The Catholic Traveler’s Guide to Papal Events

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Types of Papal Events

Papal Masses / Prayer Services
These take places on major Holy Days, Canonizations, and for special events. Most occur in Saint Peter’s Basilica or Saint Peter’s Square, but occasionally they will take place at other churches in Rome. Tickets are required.

The Noon Angelus / Regina Caeli
Most Sundays from the Holy Father’s Office Window in Saint Peter’s Square. Also on certain Feast Days. No tickets required.

General Audiences
Usually on Wednesdays in Saint Peter’s Square. In hot and cold months, it is often moved to the Paul VI Auditorium. Tickets are usually required.

Here’s a video of my experience at the first public Papal Audience since the virus hit Italy.

Here’s a video of me getting into a Papal Audience just in time for the Papal drive-by.

The Papal Calendar

How to request tickets to Papal Events.

TCT XX designed in Rome
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