Rethinking the blog

I started this site in 2004. I would post write ups about places to go and things to see. I shared updates from my travels. As time went on, I’d share specific things related to a time and place in Rome… a special feast day, a Mass being celebrated by a Cardinal, etc.

Some of my best content would get lost in the blog feed, with all newer stuff going straight to the top. Three years ago I categorized only the best content as an article, and only displayed those on the blog.

With the latest iteration of this site, I decided to completely do away with the traditional concept of a blog and instead lead the readers directly to what they want and need. Resources for Rome are all neatly organized in The Catholic Traveler’s Guide to Rome, same with Assisi.

Travelogues from past trips are organized by trip in The Catholic Travelogue section – I still have a lot of work to do here.

Posts I feel are blog worthy are now clearly organized under blog.

I never liked the idea of leaving it to the readers to randomly stumble upon things. I think it makes much more sense to lead people where they need to be, without being overwhelmed with tons of articles and options that don’t relate to why they are here.

We’ll see how it goes!

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TCT XX designed in Rome
All content © The Catholic Traveler, LLC 2004 – 2024