A Night at the Museum – Vatican Style

Update: Dates, times, and prices for 2016.

I am a huge fan of the Vatican Museums. I’ve probably been close to 50 times. Being inside the Sistine Chapel is amazing. I collect maps, so the map room is my favorite spot – especially on an autumn day when the windows are open and a light breeze flows through… I could spend the day there.

And being in the presence of the Belvedere Torso and the Laocoön… just incredible!

But, ever since I heard about the Vatican Museums opening at night, I’ve dreamed of being able to experience it.

For years I’ve been alerting my readers about the nighttime openings, but I’ve never been in Rome at the right time. Until tonight! And it was simply amazing!

I have a group arriving tomorrow. So, I was in my room preparing when I glanced out at the Vatican – my room looks right into the Vatican Museums. I noticed that the lights were still on and it was already after 8:30 p.m. It then hit me that perhaps tonight was one of those nighttime openings.

I went on the Vatican website and saw that tonight was indeed one of those nights!

Unfortunately tickets had to be purchased online and last entry was 8:30 p.m. I tried to buy a ticket anyway, but the system wouldn’t let me.

Being coy won’t get you anywhere.

I grabbed my money and shoes and ran out the door and across the street.

I am often quite reserved and shy. But, I was determined I was getting in. I walked past the guards like I knew what I was doing, marched through security and walked up to a window ready to beg my way in. I explained that this was my dream, I bring several groups a year here, blah, blah, blah… and I was in!

(excuse the video quality, this was 2010)

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