TLM Holy Week in Rome

Holy Week at the Traditional Latin Mass Parish in Rome, Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini.

Palm Sunday
9 AM: Low Mass
10:30 AM: Procession, followed by High Mass
5:30 PM: Vespers
6:30 PM: Low Mass

Wednesday of Holy Week
8:30 PM: Tenebrae

Holy Thursday
6:30 PM: Mass of the Last Supper
8:30 PM: Tenebrae

Good Friday
2 PM – 4 PM: Confession
3 PM: Way of the Cross
8:30 PM: Tenebrae

Holy Saturday
8 PM: Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday
9 AM: Low Mass
11 AM: High Mass
5:30 PM: Vespers
6:30 PM: Low Mass

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TCT XX designed in Rome
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