Catholic Tattoos in the Holy Land

I took a group of people to a 700 year old tattoo shop in Jerusalem. I think 10 or 11 people, including our priest, ended up getting tattoos. Some of the wooden stamps they use date back hundreds of years.

Update: Pics from another one of my pilgrimage groups.

Razzouk has been around for 700 years!

Razzouk has been around for 700 years!

Ancient wooden tattoo stamp.

Ancient wooden tattoo stamp.

The Jerusalem Cross has long been the first (and possibly only) tattoo I’ve wanted. I thought I was ready, but after seeing a white tattoo, I couldn’t make up my mind. I’ll be back in March and probably return with a permanent souvenir. Got it!

Our priest getting his first tattoo.

Our priest getting his first tattoo.

BBC heard a bunch of Catholics were getting tattooed on pilgrimage and stopped by to film us. Here’s the video.

BBC filming my group getting tattooed.

BBC filming my group getting tattooed.

Jerusalem Cross tattoo in white ink.

Jerusalem Cross tattoo in white ink.

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TCT XX designed in Rome
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