Rosary Walk Through the Borgo

Today is my mom’s birthday, so I prayed the rosary for her as I strolled through the Borgo.

I headed down Borgo Pio around 6:15 AM.

Crossing Borgo Sant’Angelo and saw the dome of Saint Peter’s in the distance.

Passing by the Passetto di Borgo where it connects to Castel Sant’Angelo.

The early morning view of Castel Sant’Angelo.

Now over to Borgo Santo Spirito on the Foundling Wheel put in by Pope Sixtus IV. This was where people could place unwanted babies rather than toss them into the Tiber River.

A nice entryway at the end of Via Scossacavelli.

And some lovely windows too.

Despite the Borgo being such a small neighborhood, we have lots of churches. Like the Divine Mercy Shrine, Santo Spirito.

And the youth center, San Lorenzo.

We also have our own set of Holy Stairs, the Scala Santa. But the real Scala Santa is across town.

This is just a well placed streetlight. Not the sun, or the moon, or a ufo.

This is the Dutch Church of Rome, San Michel e Magno. This church has two amazing relics, the Presentation Stone where Christ was presented in the Temple and the stone where Abraham bound Isaac.

We also have this church in the area.

Back over to the Passetto di Borgo as it connects to the Apostolic Palace.

A beautiful morning.

A very Italian car, the Ape “ahh-pay.”

The sky was gray while I was out, but as soon as I got inside, this happened.

Happy Birthday, Mom!

(be sure to check out the podcast episode on The Borgo)

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