I wanted to attend a Rorate Mass for years. Living in Rome, I was sure I’d have plenty of chances, so I attempted to track one down.
Since it’s a Mass that takes place before sunrise during Advent, and is lit only by candle, I figured the first place to look would be the Traditional Latin Mass parish, Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini. There I was told the Rorate Mass is not an Italian tradition, and therefore they do not offer one. (Update: they did start in 2019.)
So I strolled around Rome and visited probably 20 churches, most had never heard of the Mass.
I did a little research once I got home and found that the Rorate Mass originated in Germany, so I went by the German parish in Rome, Santa Maria dell’Anima. Sure enough, they have Rorate Masses.
This and more advent traditions are discussed on the podcast.
Rorate Mass in Rome
Santa Maria dell’Anima
Just off Piazza Navona at Via S. Maria dell’Anima, 64
Fridays during Advent at 6 AM
See you there!