Roman Novena 2020

What a year!

I started the Roman Novena back in 2016. It’s not a traditional novena, but it gives me the opportunity to pray for you at nine specific churches every day for nine days. Each church is related in some way to current events.

I want to bring your prayers with me, so please use the form below to submit your prayer requests. It’s completely anonymous, I don’t even ask for an email or your name.

The Roman Novena begins on October 1st.

Each day I’ll be sharing a little history on the significance of one of the churches, so be sure to follow on Instagram, YouTube, and/or Facebook.

This year I’m excited to include several churches that most people never see…

San Gioacchino

This church located in Prati has a chapel dedicated to the USA. A great spot to pray for improved race relations, to get us through this tough political season, and an end to all the division.

Sacro Cuore di Gesù

Also known as the Purgatory Church because of the attached museum that displays testimonies left by the departed to the living. This is the perfect church to pray for the dead.

San Marcello

Were you following the Urbi et Orbi the Holy Father led during the Rome Quarantine? This church has the miraculous crucifix that he brought to Saint Peter’s Square. The crucifix survived a fire and was processed through the streets of Rome praying for an end to a plague. It’s a great spot to pray for an end to this pandemic.


The tomb of Saint Ignatius, one of the patron saints of teachers. This school year is especially difficult for educators. This is the perfect spot to pray for all teachers, religious ed instructors, and parents new to homeschooling and those forced into remote learning.

Santa Maria Maddalena

The tomb of San Camillo, patron saint of healthcare workers. So many healthcare workers have been over-worked this year and so many others have lost their jobs.


One of two repeats from my previous Roman Novenas. With Madonna del Parto (Our Lady of Childbirth) this church is the best spot to pray for pregnancy – those having trouble conceiving, those experiencing complications, and for happy deliveries. With Saint Monica’s tomb, this is the best place to pray for women in troubled marriages and with difficult children.

Chiesa Nuova

The tomb of Saint Philip Neri, the patron saint of Rome, and also a great spot to pray for priests. He also started the Seven Pilgrim Churches of Rome pilgrimage, so it’s a good spot for my own personal prayers as well.

Castel Sant’Angelo

Saint Michael the Archangel appeared here. It’s not technically a church, though it does have a chapel. But what better place to pray for law enforcement than a spot where their patron literally stood.

Santo Spirito in Sassia

This is the Divine Mercy Shrine in Rome. Perfect for praying for God’s Divine Mercy for all people.

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TCT XX designed in Rome
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