Piraeus. Final arrangements. To London.

This is not a travelogue per se, but the unedited emails I sent home using a Blackberry to friends and family while I was away.

Friday, November 10, 2006

The final day. Yay!!!

I woke up before 7 to get ready to go to Piraeus. I took the metro and was there in half an hour. Probably sooner.

The port is crazy. Tons of people. Lots of lost tourists. I turned out to be one as well.

I thought the place I needed to go was right there. But I couldn’t find it.

I called my contact and she told me I’d need a cab.

I walked back to the train station. I was already down the street near the port. And got in the taxi line. Which was quite long.

It took 3 cabs and a call to my guide to find a taxi that knew where to go.

I was there in about 10 minutes.

I’ve been talking to this lady for months so it was nice to meet her.

She took me through the check in process. There were so many people in line.

We got to the ship and skipped the line.

Once on board I realized I was on a boat. It was much like a hotel. But I knew it was a boat on water.

She showed me several rooms which were much bigger than I expected. She showed me suites with living and bedrooms, and small interior cabins.

The decor throughout the ship is very 70’s. I got some pics.

She explained the dining process. And shore excursions. Showed me the pool and the 2 spas.

It was nice. I’m sure I’ll be nervous. At least the first day. She told me the boat has great stabilizers and I shouldn’t feel a thing even in rough weather.

The tour went well. Then she took me down the street to her office were I met several other people I’ve been speaking with.

Everyone was very nice.

Then back to the hotel to meet the owner. She’s been in London the last few days.

She was very helpful with my itinerary. She told me they have a rooftop bar. The bar is closed for winter but the rooftop is still open. Great views of Athens and the Acropolis.

She let me extend my stay until 5 rather than checking out at 12.

Then I headed out for some final shopping.

I grabbed a gyro. My first. It was good but I don’t see how people eat those things while walking around and shopping.

Now I just back to the room to repack and get ready for the flight. I leave at 7 something for London.

I get in around 10 PM.

Still not sure where I’m staying. But probably near the airport. I’d like to stay in the city and do something. But, might be too much trouble to find a hotel then get to the airport in the morning.

We’ll see.


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