After hundreds of papal events, Pope Francis and I finally attempted the papal selfie. It wasn’t the best work for either of us. 😂

Last night turned into a double shot of Tipsy Tuesday, so I slept a little longer than I would have liked. Because of that, I figured I would skip this week’s Audience.
But at 8:40 AM, I decided I should at least try to go. How much longer will we get to experience the Audience in the intimate setting of the San Damaso Courtyard?

At 8:45 AM I was leaving my apartment and by 8:54 AM I had already been through the temperature check, security, and was in the courtyard.

I had a few people between me and the railing, but not bad for being at home 9 minutes earlier. 🙂

As he’s done for the last four weeks, the Holy Father greeted each person individually as he came in. I noticed that once he cleared one section, people would return to their seats, so I just kept going up a few rows at a time. Never blocking anyone, just standing in back and observing — with the iPhone, of course.

It was such a joy to see him interact with all the people. Some would tell jokes and he’d laugh. Some just wanted to banter and he would banter with them. Some had serious prayer requests and he would take the time to pray with them. Some had gifts that he would accept as he listened to their stories.

I ended up right at the front for the opening prayer. Then I went to the back to observe.
When the Audience was over, and most of the people had left, I returned to an empty section up front. I knew he’d be passing by once more on his way out.

He stopped at the person to my right and blessed her family over FaceTime. He listened to the story of the man on my left who just completed a walking pilgrimage.
In between is when we took our selfie.
I’m glad I slept in.