NBC Nightly News / Death of Pope Benedict

ABC World News Tonight / Death of Pope Benedict

9 News Australia Today Show / Death of Pope Benedict

NBC Today Show / Rome Lockdown

Fox News / Conclave

Rome Reports / Business Profile

EWTN / First group in Italy post-pandemic
I am not a journalist, but I am often consulted for my expertise on all things travel and all things Catholic.
I’ve been running a successful tour company since 2004, personally bringing thousands of people on pilgrimage across Europe and the Middle East.
I am an American who has lived in Rome since 2014. My apartment is just steps away from the Vatican (my walk to Saint Peter’s Square takes 60 seconds) meaning I am often the first on the scene any time Vatican news breaks, including the death of Pope Benedict.
For remote camera interviews, my terrace makes in excellent back drop.

This was for the Today Show when the lockdown began in Rome
Pope Benedict Death

NBC Nightly News with Molly Hunter

ABC News Interview
There was also a live BBC piece via Zoom with me walking around Saint Peter’s Square talking about the crowd. I don’t have a clip of that one.
Italy Lockdown / COVID Related
My interview with Catholic News Service.
BBC Breakfast (no link)
Today Show (no clip, but here’s a still)

Viral Stories
Pope Hat
Hundreds of interviews and articles after my Goddaughter stole the pope’s “hat.”
Quotes in Time Magazine, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox News, The Tonight Show, Vanity Fair, and more.
CBS This Morning came to my home to interview us.
Riding in the Pope-Mobile
Junno at Catholic News Service as well.
This one also made it to ABC, CBS, and NBC.
Blackout at the Vatican (aka the one I wish never happened)
This one was all over the place and cost me thousands of dollars. 🙄
Many places picked up the ridiculous story, including…
Radio Interviews
A Closer Look with Sheila Liaugminas on Relevant Radio (broken link, but it was a great interview)
Patrick Madrid (no link)
The Conclave that Elected Pope Francis
I was Associated Press’ photo of the day on the day Pope Francis was elected.

AP’s Photo of the Day
I did a ton of interviews, including a live one with FoxNews.

Beatification of Pope John Paul II
BBC, The New York Times, Public Radio International
Travel Related
Tips for Visiting Rome in the Summer with EWTN
Smithsonian Magazine on the Lenten Churches of Rome
National Geographic Magazine on the Christmas Markets of Europe (my contribution was the Rome market)