Blessed Trinity Day Four: Dr. Luca

Just a few days in and I have to say I’m totally in love with this group. So much fun. Perfect compliment to my personality.

Today we started with free time. Then met our guide for a tour of the city and the Uffizi.

I’ve used Florentia for years. I always get Simone and he’s awesome! So I was disappointed to hear he was in China with his family. So selfish of me!

So today, we got Dr. Luca. And as much as I love Simone, I may be requesting Luca from now on. He was amazing and hilarious. Picture an older gentleman wearing a linen leisure suit. More animated than a Pixar movie. Some of the kids got video of him raising the roof in the Baptistry. Awesome.

He did a little dance to explain a painting. Awesome.

He would say ‘just 5 more minutes, then 3 more’. The best part, he was totally serious.

We split up for a bit. He said “meet here at 4:45, 15 until 5:00, that’s 15 minutes before 5:00, 3/4 after 4:00.” Classic.

After the tour I headed out to another solo dinner. Again 14 of my closest tagged along. With this group, I preferred it. I love them all. Three of us adults sat together and talked adult things. Nice break from teen chat.

A Luca recommended gelateria and off to bed.

Early train to Roma!

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TCT XX designed in Rome
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