2017 in review

Over 500 people traveled with me in 2017.

87 of those were kids.

My people came from 16 different countries.

85% were women.

Together we saw the Holy Father 44 times.

We celebrated 99 Masses.

We visited 137 churches across 9 countries.

We visited the Apostolic Palace twice.

We saw U2 in Dublin.

We got tattoos in Jerusalem.

In 2017, of the more than 500 travelers…
90 people were on their SECOND trip with me.
8 people were on their THIRD trip with me.
4 people were on their FOURTH trip with me.
4 people were on their FIFTH trip with me.
1 person was on her SIXTH trip with me.
2 people were on their SEVENTH trip with me.

That’s amazing!

Thank you to all who made 2017 a great year for travel!

The Catholic Traveler is only possible because of my generous supporters. Please consider supporting my work through Patreon or Substack, or a one time tip through Venmo. 🤍

TCT XX designed in Rome
All content © The Catholic Traveler, LLC 2004 – 2025